Monday, December 19, 2011

Human Motivation

I came across this video today and thought it was brilliant. I think it derives from our social history. To survive as a race humans needed to work together, so obviously we would need an innate want of helping others, so others would want to help us.  I think if employers are good with the employees, employees will want to help their employers.  The issue is that too often employers are too narrow focused on their own vision that they do not value the contributions the employees often want to make.

I know I've too often been in the situation where I have what I believe a great idea, however the employer doesn't understand or care about the new idea.  And that's where it sums it up, the employer doesn't care, and employee does not feel valued.  If the employee does not feel valued, the employee is demotivated regardless of incentive.

That actually transitions well to gangs..What is the most often reason for joining gangs?  Its because the kids don't feel valued, or feel they have purpose.  People want to feel valued and have purpose. In fact, this need is so great people seem to irrationally try to attain it from any corner of society. Just look culturally with the fascination with aliens and other worlds. People want to find their purpose in this know they have a reason to exist. Ideally this purpose is constructive to society...and what better way to fulfill someone's search for value and purpose than at work...its killing two birds with one stone..making people feel wanted and useful...and perhaps making some new friends, and learning together from each other.

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